Somebody's English Boyfriends 
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06.06.2013 - После тренировки с личным тренером (ЛА)

A girl who had her hair in foils today rushed out of a salon when she saw Colin Farrell leaving the studio of his personal trainer in LA. She got to the car just as he got inside. She talked to talk to him and they chatted for a while. She ran to her car and grabbed two books to give to Colin. Before she left Colin gives her some gum which she takes from him. Some people nearby had noticed that the star was around and had started to gather but he left shortly after - fan-girl.org/
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16.07.2013 - Прилет в Лос-Анджелес (LAX)
20.06.2013 - С сестрой в аэропорту LAX
28.11.2013 - Студия BBC Radio 1, Лондон
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