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http://jennysteffens.blogspot.ru/2012/05/hand-painted-linen-kitchen-towels-easy.html inen kitchen towels & napkins fabric paint brushes painter’s tape water drop cloth or craft paper linen fabric sewing machine thread pair of scissors Directions : Begin by cutting the linen into the size of the item you’d like to make. For a napkin, a 20-inch square is a standard size, and 24 by 30-inches works great for kitchen towels. Allow 1-inch extra around the perimeter for the seam. Place a piece of craft paper on your surface before beginning. Place the linen down and use painter’s tape to create stripes. For a ‘plaid’ effect you’ll need to do the perpendicular stripes in separate phases. To make the paint, mix the color you’d like to use, then dilute it with 2 parts water. Dip your paint brush in the paint, then dab off until almost all of the liquid is off of the brush, leaving only a small amount coating the bristles. This is called a dry brush method. Lightly begin to brush the liquid on with even strokes. Continue until all of the stripes are a homogeneous color and intensity. Remove the tape and repeat to complete your selected pattern.
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