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Gemma Maria18.11.2013
VintageOwlet No, Thanks I have it too but you are asking for her....
Vintage Owl27.09.2013
solovanda2 I don't have it in my gallery I have in my folders in PDF. let me look for it and I'll send it to your email.
Cleo Ca26.09.2013
VintageOwlet did you get this pattern??? I have it.. Could you add me to your gallery?
Vintage Owl26.09.2013
opalo1960 @}->--@}->--Happy birthday!!! *DRINK**DRINK*Cheers!!
Mary Lv30.03.2013
viviane Hello, I also collect bookmarks, I have a lot of patterns, so maybe you want to exchange. I cannot see what you have but please mail me viviane.luypaers@telenet.be Greetings Viviane
Viviane Luypaers15.07.2012
tigerfairy Happy birthday to You!
Татьяна Горина30.03.2011
solovanda *YAHOO*Thank you! *YAHOO*
Gre I congratulate you with birthday! I wish you to be happy and have many-many joyful moments in your life!!!
Мария Ххх30.03.2011
tana14 Поздравляю с днем рождения!! Желаю всего самого наилучшего и пусть ваша мечта осуществится!!!
Аннушка Tichomirova30.03.2011
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