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The colorful art of Rosina Wachtmeister Biography Rosina Wachtmeister was born on 7 januari 1939 in Vienna, Austria. She emmigrated in 1953, in the age of 14, to Brasil. Between 1955 and 1961 she attended the University of the Visual Arts in Porto Alegre with sculpture as her field of study. Expositions followed in the Museo di Arte Moderna in Porto Alegre winning her an best of award in the category of "arte sacra". She also studied in Salvador. In 1962 she met the puppeteer Roser Denneborg en started sculpting puppets. Til 1967 Rosina Wachtmeister travelled with her puppeteer friends performing throughout Brasil. Regular performances included "die Dreigroschen Oper", "Don Christobal" and "Don Perlimplin" and conquered an impartant place in Rosina's heart. For the Goethe institute they performed "Grimms Fairy Tales". Currently Rosina Wachtmeister lives and works in the small village Capena, near Rome, Italy. Apart from creating ceramic figurines she cares for her dogs cats and flower garden. Современная австрийская художница Rosina Wachtmeister, родилась 7 января 1939, в Вене, Австрия. Сейчас художница живет и работает в Ла Рокка, Италия
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Dolphins and Whales, Mini and Coasters
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