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annalee09 *DRINK*
Annalee Watson15.10.2011
Maryfrance thanks!!
annalee09 If you are a beginner stitcher just show the chart to someone with a little experience. It is actually very easy and even a beginner will be able to do this one. Good luck *THUMBS UP**THUMBS UP*
Annalee Watson07.06.2011
Tanushechka Almost all understood ))))
annalee09 It is basically simple cross stitch with some straight stitch and the hardanger like boxes at the corners, but no cutting with scissors in the hardanger portions. Does this help?
Annalee Watson06.06.2011
Tanushechka What to do in this embroidery? ))) Надеюсь понятно )))
annalee09 I'm sorry *SORRY*. The translator did not do well with your question. Can you rephrase the question, sometimes that helps .....
Annalee Watson06.06.2011
annalee09 Enjoy
Annalee Watson06.06.2011
annalee09 @}->--
Annalee Watson06.06.2011
Tanushechka Какая прелесть !!! А, что это будет ?
zdenka thanks!
Zdenka Gregrova05.06.2011
Liliasonyl Спасибо!
Лилия Lilia05.06.2011
fasicha6227 waow;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Veronique Vergeot07.09.2010
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