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aurora66 I founded it! I am sending it to you, page 69 is not there because is blank, the pattern is complete and with good resolution
Roris Taver07.04.2014
belief *OK*:-*
aurora66 too small.. let me see if I can find it in one of the chinese forums. If I get it in a better resolution, I will send it to you
Roris Taver25.03.2014
aurora66 and thanks I was looking for it..yay
Roris Taver25.03.2014
aurora66 this pattern is from KS and the number is 610141.. you can find the cover here http://www.arthobby.com.cn/index.php?m=search&c=index&a=init&typeid=&siteid=1&typeid=65&q=610141
Roris Taver25.03.2014
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