Somebody's English Boyfriends 
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30.08.2013 - С Флинном в Нью-Йорке

Orlando Bloom heads out for a stroll with his two-year-old son Flynn, his nanny, and their dog Sidi on Friday afternoon (August 30) in New York City. The 36-year-old actor is currently starring on Broadway in the new production of Romeo & Juliet and the box office results are already off to a strong start! Over the show’s first weekend of two performances, the show grossed over $207,000 and the theater was filled to 91.2% capacity, the highest percentage for any non-musical on Broadway. Also pictured inside: Orlando stepping out of the stage door and signing autographs for fans after the performance on Sunday (August 25).
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23.01.2013 - С семьей на отдыхе в Мексике
06.05.2013 - Поход к доктору в Беверли Хиллз
23.09.2013 - С семьей в Нью-Йорке
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