Somebody's English Boyfriends 
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08.06.2013 - После концерта Бьорк в Лос-Анджелесе

Katy Perry and Robert Pattinson met up for a Bjork concert at the Hollywood Palladium on Saturday night. According to a source, both stars came in together for the show but left separately — Katy headed out the back entrance, while Rob snuck around to smoke a cigarette with a pal. Katy invited a group of friends, including Rob, to her LA home after the concert and the party reportedly went well into the night - popsugar.com Robert Pattinson rocked a vintage Marlboro cigarette reversible bomber jacket guy with Rob is Robert Ackroyd, one member of Florence and the Machine
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08.05.2013 - С Кристен в аэропорту JFK
30.03.2013 - Ланч в Century City
(15)16.10.2013 - Лос-Анджелес
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