Somebody's English Boyfriends 
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13.02.2016 - С Кэти после Грэмми, Лос-Анджелес

Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry attended her pre-Grammys party in downtown Los Angeles on Saturday evening, and the hot new couple were inseparable! Katy wore a sexy lacy number while Orly rocked a pastel suit, and the two will be hitting the Grammy red carpet together on Monday night. They've only been dating for about a month, and over the last week they've gone to the Adele concert and attended a party at Robert Downey Jr.'s Malibu pad -- and they haven't made any attempt to hide their romance. So much for taking things slow! Read more at http://www.x17online.com/2016/02/orlando_bloom_dating_katy_perry_date_grammys_party_couple_photos_021416#zFfrlzDPvRBsZ7em.99
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08.06.2016 - Малибу
21.02.2016 - Лос-Анджелес
09.08.2016 - Аэропорт LAX, ЛА, с Кэти Перри и Флином
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