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Who will compete with the League of Legends?

That is to say, Yu Luosheng's Lacus wakes up 0 earlier than the enemy. Four seconds! Yu Luosheng wielded this ordinary attack! "Whew!" Gem Knight flurried press out of the flash, it is a pity that the normal attack or hit out! The Gem Knight skill died before it could be released. How dare you kill you without enough confidence? Your life will be written in my book of murder. Yu Luoshengsong went to hover his finger on the W key, glanced at the body of the gem, and glanced at the killing book. Three floors. The first volume of the main text, Chapter 100, the book of killing, 6 layers! The little fish man, with a golden body, dodged the prince's deadly EQ Erlian flying pick, and then escaped with quaint blood. Take away the life of policewoman below 2 towers, and oneself still can not die, this operation is very exquisite! "The bear carried back the prince who was short of blood, and Verus immediately sent out, and the prince of the Bloody Team was killed!" "Alchemy.." Now there is one alchemy left! "Alchemy doesn't have much blood, and it's heading for Verus now, presumably to kill it.." "Change your life.." The alchemist of the Scarlet Team and Verus exchanged their lives, which should be considered wise, because if the enemy's ADC is still alive,stainless steel tile edge trim, a wave of tower demolition may end the game! The host spoke quickly, and the audience's eyes were fixed on the screen. The battle was a strong kill across the highlands. With the effect of Tai Lung buff, all the members of the Dawn Team became very brave, killing the future guardian Jess, the Picheng policewoman Caitlin, the Prince of Demacia Gavin and the Alchemist Sinjid in succession. The regiment is destroyed. The Bloody Team was destroyed by the regiment this time. "Oh, I'm sorry, but Lacus,china tile trim, the assistant of the Scarlet Team, is still alive." The host hurriedly corrected. Also can not blame the host population error, it is in the battle, few people will care about the movement of the auxiliary. And, to tell the truth, in the team battle, if only one auxiliary survives, it is not much different from the destruction of the group, the auxiliary has no attack power, it is impossible to hold anything. On the other side of the Dawn Team, Lin Laowu's Thunder Roar and Yang Ying's Little Fish Man are still alive. After taking the lives of the members of the Scarlet Team, they are leaving the highlands. After all, they are killed by the top tower, stainless steel tile edging ,stainless steel edge trim, and their blood volume is not much. (Www. MianHua Tang. CC Cotton Candy Novel Network) At this time, Yu Luosheng's Lacus did not let them feel at ease to return to the city, throwing skills at them from a distance. The position of the little fish man was very coquettish, and Yu Luosheng's skill did not hit it. And the bear's health is still some, Lacus's skills can not kill it. "Hum, come a little more, and I'll tell you to destroy the group." Yang Ying looked with a sneer at Lacus, who was still harassing him. Lacus' blood volume was so low that she died at the slightest touch. Of course, if the other side is not an assistant, Yang Ying can take his life in the place of battle. Don't wave, go back to the city. Lin Laowu reminded Yang Ying. Yang Ying nodded, controlled the little fish man to the corner, and pressed the key to return to the city. Suddenly, a light wheel passed through the wall and fell at the foot of Yang Ying's little fish man! "Beautiful, Lacus of the Scarlet Team seems to have guessed that the Little Fish Man will return to the city here." Oh, it's a pity that the little fish man escaped with e'Quirky '. If the skill hit just now, the little fish man might be terminated. Cried the host. This guy has a good mind! Lin Laowu saw that Yang Ying's little fish man was almost killed and said with a smile. Small fish man is hiding in a card perspective of the place back to the city, he did not expect the other side of the Lacus actually chased all the way out, but also really found his hiding place. Yang Ying also breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately he was quick, otherwise he would have been killed just now. No! Yang Ying suddenly realized something and his face changed. He hurriedly presses the mouse, the operator small fish person walks to the side position! "Demacia!!!! Suddenly, a magic scream came out! I saw a magnificent magic beam from the back of the wall, directly blocked the small fish people to evacuate the road! The whole narrow road is full, and the little fish people have nowhere to escape! "Eh ~" The little fish man was burned by light magic, and after a scream, he turned into a scorched dead fish and fell to the ground with his belly turned over. [Www. Mianhua Tang. CC a lot of good novels] "My grass!" Yang Ying almost subconsciously scolded out a sentence! This light, hit too suddenly, even if Yang Ying made a reaction, such an angle he simply can not dodge! The most important thing is that the other side is very cunning, knowing that he is here to return to the city, he first used other skills to cheat out of his invincible e "Quirky", and then opened a big move to kill. shutdown Another end, a full 500 gold coins! The little fish man died three times, and the first time was a blood delivery. The second time, he was too impulsive to kill Lacus under the tower, and he changed his life. The third time is now this time, was chased out of a big move to kill! …… “nice” "Friends who have played the brilliant girl Lacus should know that Lacus's big move CD is very short, often a battle can be released twice." "This ultimate flash directly ended the pace of the little fish man who was about to surpass God!" Said the host with a twinkle in his eyes. Assistance belongs to assistance, but if we completely ignore the existence of assistance, we must pay a painful price! "Oh, I almost forgot to mention it!" Suddenly, the host emphasized in a surprised tone. The audience wondered why the host was so surprised. On the other hand, the significance of taking this head is really not great,aluminum tile edge trim, even if you give 500 yuan more, it is just to buy more eyes, or can not change anything. jecatrims.com
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