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Матрица :: Фотолента

Июнь. Кейп Код. Массачусетс.

"We had a wonderful time in Cataumet with Colin in June and were able to enjoy all "obligatory" activities that we love, including swimming, eating from Cataumet Fish and Silver lounge, picking strawberries, biking, and paddling. Colin's interests are growing with his age and this year our kid-specific activities by the seaside involved relentless digging for fiddler crabs, sorting treasure collections picked up on the beach, gaining confidence riding the bicycle on the rail trail (still with training wheels), and frequent trips to pet the animals at Coonamessett Farm. Among value-added activities we also washed and prepared the kayaks for the season .
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Июнь. Кейп Код. Массачусетс.
Весна в Ньютоне.
Июль. Camp Merrowvista. Нью-Гемпшир.
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