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Проект "THE TEDS" (проект завершен)

уникальный ПРОЕКТ который проходит раз в квартал в самых ярких клубах Москвы....._))))) A unique art exhibition focusing on the Teddy Boys, the epitome of rock’n’roll culture. The pictures are by the famous Russian artist Alexander Chalovsky. It will be part of a great rock’n’roll Spectacular on 11th December 2010, starting at 19:30 at Club Jimi. The Event will include the following – Furious, the World’s number one Teddy Boy band, from the UK. Plus other top rock’n’roll bands will be performing, in addition to a rock’n’roll dance master class.
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Mesoderm of Nuriev
Проект "THE TEDS" (проект завершен)
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